
Sunday, September 30, 2012

{More Mod Podge Maps and a Moodboard}

Decoupaged map clock and design board for a blue and orange inspired boy's room from Simplicity In The South.

 "Ok Ma'am, put down the Mod Podge, slowly back away and no one gets hurt." 
I PROMISE that I will not give you another decoupage project for a loooong time. If I do, I'll just hide it and keep it for myself. :) I just can't help it! It's so simple and so immediately gratifying. 

I found a clock at the Goodwill for a buck and couldn't pass it up. When I got it home, I realized why it was so cheap. The darn thing didn't work. My luck! Since I had to take it apart to fix it,
I thought it would be a good time to replace the clock face that had yellowed. I really wanted a vintage map of Europe since my husband's family is from Germany, so I found a digital download on Etsy from WDS Vintage. The download includes three maps and two script images that I can use later for $5.00. This is another example of immediate gratification, because it was in my inbox within a couple of hours. (By the way, I am not affiliated with Etsy or any of their shop owners in any way.)

Thank goodness that our oldest son knows how to use Photoshop, because I am clueless. I had him crop the image to a circle and add the numbers. Taylor transferred the file to a portable hard drive so I could have it printed at Kinko's. This is how the image turned out. 

I have another tutorial on how to use Mod Podge here and here. I used the advice of Jackie K. who commented on my last tutorial and slightly dampened the map to lessen the chance of getting wrinkles. It worked! Thanks again, Jackie! Although the print cost $15.00 to have it printed out on thick paper, I love how the finished clock turned out!

Remember...happiness is a way of travel, not a destination. Map clock and chalkboard wall from Simplicity In The South.

 I'm glad that Taylor brightened up the digital image because it brings out the blues and oranges, which brings me to this...

A Blue and Orange Boy's Room Design Board from Simplicity In The South.

Here's the design board for Parker and Mason's blue and orange shared bedroom. The links for the design board will be in tomorrow's post. I will also be revealing the complete room to you tomorrow. So excited! And I'm so glad that I'm almost done. Parker and Mason will be glad when their mom finally stays out of their room for a while. Neither of them are a fan of my crazy decorating sprees.

Thank you to Jen from Tater Tots and Jello for featuring my post on how to make a decoupaged map crate! You made my day! Click on the picture below to go to the link. You'll be there a while because she has some great ideas!

21 before and after DIY projects from Tater Tots and Jello.

I hope everyone has had a blessed Sunday!


  1. Another lovely project!

    (glad the tip worked for you, too)

  2. I just found your fun blog (love it!) and am your newest follower :)

  3. Love this, lots of inspiration and helpful tips! Love the blue and orange, sweet.

    1. Thanks! I have the feeling I know you from somewhere?!? :)


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